Originally developed as a lunchtime “Brown Bag” series with the Taranaki Chamber of Commerce, the workshops have proven popular as in-house workshops. These10 workshops can be delivered to suit, for example over a 10-week, or doubling up to condense to a 5 week period – whatever timeframe can meet your needs.  They can be delivered at any time of the day, but are ideal for (eg) a lunchtime or breakfast session once per week. Participants receive a bound workbook with material for all workshops together in one handy place.


  1. Understanding yourself and others
  2. Stress and wellbeing
  3. Resilience in a changing world
  4. Getting the most out of the time you have
  5. Problem solving for improvement
  6. Building great working relationships
  7. Communication
  8. Leading Teams
  9. Managing Conflict
  10. Managing Change

Individual topics can also be delivered to meet your specific needs.

Lunchtime “Brown Bag” workshops are scheduled at the Taranaki Chamber of Commerce, Tuesdays May 2 to July 4 and October 10 to December 12.